Name of the Journal: |
Journal of Education: Rabindra Bharati University |
0972-7175 |
Nature of Publication: |
Only Hard Copy |
Frequency: |
Annual |
Present Editor: |
Professor Subrata Saha, Head, Department of Education, Rabindra Bharati University,
Email: |
Present Editorial Board
Professor Sabyasachi Basu Ray Chowdhury, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, Rabindra Bharati University
Professor Subrata Saha, Head, Department of Education, Rabindra Bharati University
Professor Bharati Banerjee, Department of Education, Rabindra Bharati University
Dr. Jonaki Bhattacharya, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Rabindra Bharati University
Dr. Sunil Kumar Baskey, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Rabindra Bharati University
Dr. Rajesh Kumar Saha, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Rabindra Bharati University
Mr. Jhantu Chik Baraik, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Rabindra Bharati University
Shri Nemai Kumar Roy, Department of Education, University of Kalyani
Professor Nemai Maity, Department of Education, University of Calcutta
Professor Jayanta Mete, Department of Education, University of Kalyani
About the Journal
The journal of Education is a serious endeavour to disseminate knowledge for scholarly communications regarding educational theories, thoughts, practice & researches and exchange of experiences among researchers, scholars, teachers, teacher-educators and others concerned in Education and/or relevant field. The journal has been published annually in printed hard-copy format since 1997. It has been endowed with the ISSN no (0972-7175) and the Peer-review status on 2003 and 2006 respectively. The volume XVII has been published at present.
Submission and Publication Charges
Being fully funded by Rabindra Bharati University, the Journal charges no processing fee from the authors at any level regarding the publication of a paper.
The Editorial Board follows a blind peer-review system, comprising eminent and learned professionals of the relevant domain of knowledge across the country.
Publication Policy
Selection Criteria
The acceptance of manuscripts remains open all the year round. Articles are invited through wide circulation of notification using print and online media across the country. A board of Editors in different discipline selects suitable articles based on different criteria such as, depth of the subject-matter, type of work, methodology followed, citation and reference standards etc. Each selected article is sent to two experts across the country for a blind Peer-review process for the judgement of quality and standard. The articles cleared by both the experts are considered for publication.
The Reviewing Process
All selected manuscripts are subjected to the peer –review by independent reviewers. Peer reviews are executed using double blind method where both the author/s & the reviewer/s are unaware of each other. Final decision of accepting the article rests solely with the Editorial Board.
Final Selection
Verifying the reviewer/s comments, the editorial board take the decision of publishing a paper. A paper, once selected, may be published in the next volume subject to the availability of paper-space in the current volume of the journal. Authors will be informed if the paper is not selected for publication with reviewer/s’ comments.
Submission Process
All manuscripts should be submitted in MS-Office (.doc) file format through e-mail in the following e-mail address -
1. Title/subtitle: Times New Roman, 14pt. Normal font, all capital letters.
2. Name & affiliation of author/s
3. Abstract (100-120 words) with Keywords.
4. Body: Times New Roman, 12pt., justified, single line spaced, without decoration; word limit– around 3500.
5. Referencing: APA style to be followed strictly.
After final selection of the article, author/s has to send the corrected soft-copy (through e-mail) with a declaration stating its originality and not submitted elsewhere previously.
Publishing Ethics
The publication of an article in this journal is a direct reflection of the author/s individual creative endeavour so far as the subject domain is concerned. Therefore it is expected that a quality of standard should be maintained by the author/s and the affiliated institutions that support them.
With the quality of thought, literature, language it is very important and expected to agree upon standard of ethical behaviour for all parties involved in the act of publishing: the author/s, the journal editor, the peer-reviewers and the publisher.
Because of the constrained capacity, we try our best to maintain ethics before publishing any article. We strongly try to avoid copyright violation, plagiarism and asked a declaration in this matter from respective author/s. We strongly follow and find proper citation and acknowledgements in the manuscripts.
For Authors
Author/s should refrain from misrepresenting research results with could damage the trust and reputation of the journal;
The manuscript/s should not be published elsewhere on any previous occasion (partly or in full) and should also not be submitted to more than one journal at a time;
All presented data should be original. No fictitious or plagiarised data/ materials are to be presented by the author/s as it will lead to serious consequences;
Proper acknowledgement of other works must be presented;
Proper consent should be received from all co-authors as well as from the responsible authorities and to be submitted along with the manuscript;
For Editor
As editor, we try to accept & maintain high quality of this departmental endeavour. We never bias with gender, religion, designation or affiliation of the author/s at any level of the publication process and the process strictly promises to conceal the identity of both the reviewer/s and the author/s from each side.
For Reviewer
Reviewer/s is humbly requested to examine the manuscript/s thoroughly in a specified format supplied to them along with the blind articles and help us to maintain the quality and standard of the journal. Maintaining the confidentiality of any and every information regarding this process is of prime importance.
Where to Send your Article?
Head (Editor)
Department of Education
Rabindra Bharati University
Emerald Bower Campus
56A, B.T. Road
Kolkata: 700050
PDF Volumes